How to Make Staying at Home Fun

These days of COVID-19 and social distancing have left many of us stuck at home.  If you need a little help jumpstarting a dull day, you’ve come to the right place. There are many creative things that you can do at home.You can even have fun alone, without another person. Just put some thought and imagination into your day and you’ll find that the number of enjoyable things you can do is inexhaustible. Take a look at the ideas we’ve discovered below.

Online Classes

Take a class from a university for free. Dozens of colleges and universities now offer free online classes – including Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, Yale, Harvard, and MIT. Course topic range from artificial intelligence, science, literature, and history, to studio arts, music, and more. Many classes are taught by top professors in their fields and most are the very same classes that are taken by currently enrolled students. And check out Great Courses , you’ll find they have free offerings in a wide range of topics.

Stay in Shape with Exercise Classes at Home

One of the most popular ways to work out when inside is exercising from home using online videos. Be sure to visit Willow Valley Communities’ YouTube channel and our Willow Valley Communities’ Facebook page. We have recently posted a new YouTube playlist-Staying Fit with Willow Valley Communities featuring our expert fitness team. And on Facebook, tune into our Willow Valley Communities page for Facebook Live every weekday morning at 10:00 am for a live class with our one of our expert fitness team members. Invite your family and friends and bring our Willow Valley Communities fitness Team to your living room!

Take a Walk

Take the opportunity of not having a gym or fitness center to take a walk and explore your own neighborhood or nearby park. Especially if the weather is nice, walking around your neighborhood gets your heart rate up, offers you fresh air, keeps you active, and gives you a chance to get reacquainted with your neighbors.

Read a Book

There are many great books just waiting to be discovered, thanks to the internet and online stores. Public libraries offer digital books and other resources to those with a library card. Your local public library may have hoopla, a digital media service that allows library card holders to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, and shows to enjoy on computers, tablets, phones, and TVs. Titles can be streamed immediately, or downloaded to phones or tablets for offline enjoyment later.

 Tour the World

Discover amazing museums, the beauty of our national parks, or the world’s most impressive and well-known landmarks from the comfort of your home. If you enjoy art, peruse a dozen of the world’s beautiful museums and their exhibits via virtual tours. There are thousands of exhibits to discover, explore, and enjoy. Don’t miss the beauty of outdoor sites, too. For example, the National Park Service offers virtual tours, complete with interactive 3D models, of Yellowstone National Park and the geysers found there. Watch videos, view photos, and learn more while relaxing on your sofa.

 Get Creative

This is a great time to get back to passions you’ve left slip. Get out in your garden or try a new recipe. Food Network’s recipe page  is a great place to start. Or paint a watercolor painting, write a poem, or take photos of things that inspire you.

Visit this blog article on our SmartLife Via Willow Valley site to discover more.  


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